Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Its done!

To: CS
21/07/2010 18:31
C-----, am sorry to say this
Aku rasa hubungan kita ga bisa diterusin lagi, its over and we're done. Aku ngerasa kita ngga cocok dan mdh2an kamu bisa dpt yg lbh baik dari aku.

Dimas Prasetyo

From: CS
21/07/2010 20:52
Really ? Kita putus ?

To: CS
21/07/2010 21:27
Yes C-----, sorry

From: CS
22/07/2010 12:43
Omongan yg kmrn, omongan emosi.. Apa dari dalem hati mau putus ?

To: CS
22/07/2010 12:55
Yes am so sorry, C---. We're done

From: CS
22/07/2010 12:59
Ok were done..

To: CS
22/07/2010 13:02
And i am sorry if i did any mistakes, hope we can be friend

From: CS
22/07/2010 13:03
Hahaha, in my entire life gw baru sekali diputusin org.. Tapi yaudahlah ya.. Lo gak tau seberapa sayangnya gue sm lo.. Bye dims

To: CS
22/07/2010 13:10
Bye? Is that mean we cant be friend? Gue tau lo sayang sama gue, gue juga. Tapi maaf gue ga bisa terus2an kyk gini

From: CS
22/07/2010 13:14
Ahh bullshit lo dims, asli.. Kalo lo syg sm gue yaudah pertahanin gw.. Jgn salahin gw yah kalo gw move on lebih cepet dr yg lo bayangin !!

To: CS
22/07/2010 13:17
Terserah lo V--, gue ga bakal bicara byk, gue cuma ngerasa status doang yg gue dapet, bukan lo

Gue rasa gue ngga' bisa buat melanjutkan hubungan ini, gue rasa gue ngga' dapetin dia dan hatinya sepenuhnya seperti yg gue dapat selama 14hari pendekatan. Memang bisa dibilang kalau hubungan ini penuh dengan tantangan. Dia seseorang yang berbeda dengan mantan(s) gue sebelumnya. Dia tipikal orang yang temperamental, dan bahkan tidak romantis. Hal ini terus menyudutkan gue untuk menjadi yang selalu salah setiap kita bertengkar. Gue sayang sama dia dengan cara gue, itu yang membuat kita selalu berselisih. Perbedaan dalam cara menyayangi satu sama lain, menjadi hal yg selalu diributkan.
I'd never know what's the reason that made you changed your mind. Anw I love the way you smile, i shown the feel what i feel. I thought you'd never realize that i'm really miss that moments. I couldnt blame the time because the time had done its works great-ly.
I just want to see your [C] physical or mental awareness.
You'd never shown your careness because of careless. I hope you can see what i feel (i know you can see). But i'd never seen yours.

P.-S : Am sorry am leaving when we're in love each other. But it's good rather than we stay in this way. Very short conversation at that time. I hope you find somebody new, but i wish you the best, i guess.

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